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Casting Call - Speaking Roles

1663 Media Arts, LLC presents an Adventurous, Family-Friendly Historical Drama based on the popular Illustrated Children’s Book “George Washington’s Army And Me” by renowned Author and Illustrator Michael Dooling.

The movie tells the adventures of a young camp follower as he encounters famous figures of the American Revolution on his search for his father who has gone missing during the 1778 Battle of Monmouth. Described by its creators as “Tom Sawyer Meets The Patriot” (with historical accuracy), the film will highlight the often-forgotten lives of young camp followers who served alongside the armies of the conflict, and will appeal to families and viewers of all ages, lovers of history, and of course appreciators of good film-making.

Thank you for your interest in joining the cast of Elijah and George! We are asking for a "raise of hands" for interest in the roles outlined below.

Special note:  As an INDEPENDENT movie production we count on folks who are aligned with our films message to join us in making this very timely historical drama steeped in Family, Freedom and Home. We humbly ask you to share our crowdfunding campaign with friends and family. A $10.00 or more donation adds up quickly and is greatly appreciated. Thank you for believing in us and the story of Elijah and George - A Revolutionary Tale! Let's do this! ~ Andrea M Clarke, Producer  
**Learn more and share the following links on social media and with friends and family** and

Please note the following before contacting us.

  1. Feature film / Historical Drama / Series experience preferred. 

  2. Non-Union. Sorry, no 3rd parties or agents at this time.

  3. Email resume / background of relevant experience, head-shot and body shot in full uniform or camp follower to

  4. If you have previously submitted your interest, please resubmit. Thank you. 

  5. Roles that handle weapons, must be 18 or over. *Exceptions may apply on a case by case basis. 

  6. We plan to film in the Eastern USA. 

  7. Specific dates and locations will be discussed for each role once funding is locked.

  8. Must be safety conscience, respectful and comfortable around firearms, loud noises, horses, sheep, dogs, cows, other animals and a lot of human beings.

  9. There will be battle scenes, battle arms and extremely loud battle sounds from Cannon and Musket fire.

  10. This is a non-smoking, sober set, no exceptions.

  11. This is a closed-set. No outside visitors. No pets please. 

  12. Soldier Regiments and Militia will camp out overnight on set, similar to a reenactment scenario. Security and restroom facilities are provided. Dates to be discussed. We are aiming for Friday, Saturday weekend dates for the Valley Forge Encampment and Crossing Delaware Scenes. Battle of Monmouth is a 4 day shoot.

  13. Please follow us and invite your friends too! Instagram  Facebook!

  14. Everyone will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement and will agree to not disclose the shoot schedule or locations. No photographs on set will be permitted. 

Please sign up for Film Upates here: 

Character Name: William Lee, known as Billy

Gender: Male

Age: Born 1756 age 22 in 1778

Ethnicity: Mulatto African American

Accent: Virginia

Appearance: 5'6 - 5'8

Will, the huntsman, better known in Revolutionary lore as Billy, rode a horse called Chinkling, a surprising leaper, and made very much like its rider, low, but sturdy, and of great bone and muscle

Must be expert Horseback Rider and willing to learn to ride in battle. 


Role: Serves as Washington’s manservant or Bat Man. A speaking role. Appears in four scenes. Rides a horse well. When Washington's white charger died under him he mounted a chestnut blood mare that Billy was leading, on this he rode along the line, urging the men to receive the enemy....Lee probably had to keep up on foot until he found another horse.


A batman is a soldier assigned to a commissioned officer as a personal servant.



Character Name: Marquis de Lafayette

Gender: Male

Age: Born 1757 age 21 in 1778

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Accent: French

Appearance: Dressed in richly-colored blue and yellow uniform. No facial hair.

Must be intermediate to expert horseback rider.

5’9 – 5’11, thin side, clean shaven.


Featured Role Initially, Lafayette appears standing around the table in Washington’s tent planning the battle of Monmouth. Secondly, he is toasting Washington at dinner. Appears in battle on horseback.

Professional acting experience. Feature films preferred.


Non-Union - SAG FICORE status okay.





Character: Daniel Skenendoa
Ethnicity: Native American
Age range: Early 20’s
Height: Minimum height 6′
Thinner side of athletic, healthy
Strong, endurance, stands very tall
Ability to pull a person on a makeshift stretcher on hidden wheels through the woods
Expert Horseback Rider

Professional acting experience. Feature films preferred.


Featured Role: As one of George Washington’s Scout’s Daniel sets out to find and rescue wounded solider’s after the Battle of Monmouth.

The Oneida Indian Nation, known as America’s First Allies, sent Scouts and corn at General George Washington’s request to help with the war effort and his starving soldiers at Valley Forge.


Non-Union - SAG FICORE status okay.

Character Name: Linus Shoemaker

Gender: Male

Age: 18 – 22

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Accent: American Eastern PA

Appearance: Over weight, sweaty,  and disheveled.

Speaking role: Continental Solider makes two appearances. Initially, chasing after a terrier—he is out of breath and begging Elijah for refreshment. Finally, he appears arguing with his counterpart, Ebenezer Goat.

Ability to chase after a dog.

Professional acting experience. Feature films preferred.

Non-Union - SAG FICORE status okay.



Character Name: Ebenezer Goat

Gender:  Male

Age: 18 – 22

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Accent:  American

Appearance: Disheveled and skinny. No facial hair. Scraggly hair.

Role: A speaking role. Continental Soldier appears first chasing after a terrier. In a final scene he appears arguing with his counterpart, Linus Shoemaker.

Ability to chase after a dog. Hold a dog less than 20 pounds.

Professional acting experience. Feature films preferred.

Non-Union - SAG FICORE status okay.

Character Name: George Paterson, Jr. - NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS

Gender: Male

Age: Born 1816 – Ten-years-old in 1826

Ethnicity Caucasian

Accent Philadelphia - 1826

Appearance George Jr. is dressed in breeches, stockings, buckled shoes,work shirt, waistcoat, hat, and jacket.

Role: This is a featured speaking role interacting with "Guest Star" grandpa Elijah. In the opening scene and the final scene George Jr. is riding in a horse-drawn carriage with his grandpa, Elijah.

Must be okay around Horses, dogs and chicken.

Location - Virginia -  Total two days filming.

Professional acting experience. Feature films preferred.

Non-Union - SAG FICORE status okay.

Character Name: Private Rufus Thomas

Gender: Male

Age: 18 – 25

Ethnicity: Any

Accent: Country

Appearance: Disheveled, dirty, NO SHIRT, NO SHOES. He is skinny and has a dopey side-to-side gait. He carries a musket, cartridge box, and haversack. No facial hair.

Role A speaking role. A “Dopey Guard” is uneducated. He catches Elijah, steals his draughts game, then chases him through camp coming face to face with General George Washington.

Non-Union - SAG FICORE status okay.

*From the Heart Productions, Inc. acts as Fiscal Sponsor for the movie project A Revoluti0nary Tale under the 501(c )(3) Internal Revenue Code of 1954. They are also classified as a public charity under section 509(a )(2) of the Code.


As such, any monetary donations made directly to our Fiscal Sponsorship Program qualify as *charitable contributions under the U.S. Tax Code.Their IRS number is 95 444 5418 and, as a donor, you may use this number on your taxes with the donated amount for a tax deduction.

From the Heart Productions will administer donations received by them in support of this project.


*Donations made directly to the film production do not qualify as a charitable contribution. 

Disclaimer: Filmmaking is fraught with uncertainty and there is no guarantee, express or implied, that the Filmmaker’s efforts to get the movie into production will succeed. As an Individual Donor never contribute to any funding campaign in an amount you cannot afford to lose. Potential Investors and Major Sponsors are encouraged to seek professional advice from a financial consultant or SEC attorney who has Film Financing experience before contributing to this or any movie production.

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