Michael Dooling’s children’s book George Washington’s Army and Me instantly captivated me by the adventurous spirit of the story. It reminded me of my own outdoor adventures as a kid and the Sunday night family movies we gathered around the TV to watch. I found myself reminiscing…the love for and magic of watching amazing stories come to life on the big screen at the local theater surrounded by community.

While the movie is fictional, the story highlights 68+ characters and 400+ special extras, many based on actual persons, bringing a face to people from all walks of life, from around the world, who joined the fight for freedom. Oneida Indian Nation, Germans, French, Free & Enslaved Black Men and Women, Irish, Spanish, Rich and Poor, Merchants, Bankers and Irish Dirt Farmers –“they put their differences aside to come together for one common goal – “Freedom from Tyranny”.
I am determined to usher “Elijah and George - A Revolutionary Tale” with relatable characters, famous historical figures and unsung hero's to bring forth edge of seat storytelling and captivating backdrops to earn the Number One Spot at the Box Office both domestic and international!
An entertaining, thought-provoking movie, people from all walks of life will be inspired to learn the truths about the founding of the United States of America, our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, honoring those who sacrificed so much for our freedoms.
This a unique opportunity to financially support a timely, wide audience blockbuster in the making. Please reach out to start the conversation.
Let's Make A Movie!
Andrea M Clarke - Producer, Director, Scriptwriter

Andrea is driven to create stories that reach a wide audience, unite people around the world to ignite free-will and inspire soul liberty.
She segway'd her former career within the Technology, Recruiting, Marketing, Business Development and Mobile Gaming Space to follow her calling to unite people through the arts. With a gift for storytelling and big picture visionary, Andrea has an innate ability to attract and direct talented creative teams, encouraging collaborations within a supportive space.
Andrea is descendant of American Revolutionary soldiers and early settlers of Rhode Island.
Dr. John Clarke, her “uncle” was a founder of Newport and Author of the RI Royal Charter of 1663 which granted wide-reaching Religious Freedom and Civil Liberties for the Colony of Rhode Island. Andrea is developing a movie on his life - "John Clarke - America's Forgotten Patriot."
Andrea is a "warrior mom" to a savant artist with special needs. Her daughter Florentina was born on a train in Romania in 1997 and lived her first 3 1/2 years in orphanage. After arriving in the USA, Florentina had an adverse reaction to vaccines and faced horrendous abuse in school and discrimination within her community. Andrea advocates for proven holistic alternatives to the mainstream "sick-care" industry, believing everyone has the God-Given right to live a healthy, happy and abundant life.
Inspired by Florentina, Andrea is writing and producing a series of Animated Music Videos, "The Cosmic Adventures of Rena & Taye", featuring Florentina's Original MyKids Unite Characters. An illustrated book about their creative journey will release early 2025 - "Me, Myself and Florentina".
Metatron Productions, LLC has obtained Fiscal Sponsorship through From the Heart Productions, LLC. Donations to their projects may qualify for a tax deduction.