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From the Heart Productions, Inc. is a 501(c) Non-Profit Fiscal Sponsor
EIN #95-4445418
Individual Donors, Major Sponsors, InKind Donati0ns & Stock Option Donations!
Passive Investors Welcome!
All contributions may remain anonymous.
Donations made through our Fiscal Sponsor qualify for a tax credit.
Direct contributions do not qualify for a tax credit through our fiscal sponsor.
Passive Investors may qualify for the IRS Section 181 tax credit and are advised to seek details through their licensed accountant.
Bank wire transfers are accepted.
Please contact us for current financial need and to make a donation or to discuss details on Major Sponsor packages and Passive Investor options.
Andrea M Clarke - Producer, Director, Writer info@metatronproductions.com 434-221-9625
Make Checks Payable to:
From the Heart Productions, Inc.
1013 Harbor Blvd #53
Oxnard, CA 93035
Please write the name of our film "A Revolutionary Tale" in the Memo Line.
Please contact us so we can track the donation and send our sincere gratitude!